CSD Social Venture Fund and Gallaudet University Present "Holographic Horizons: Bridging the Educational Divide" at SXSW
Communication Service for the Deaf
CSD Social Venture Fund and Gallaudet University have partnered with Proto Inc., to utilize Proto’s “Epic” holoportation technology as a groundbreaking tool in delivering lifelike, interactive American Sign Language (ASL) education for students who are Deaf and hard of hearing. "Deaf education is on the brink of a transformative leap, where geographical, socioeconomic, and communication disparities will no longer be barriers to quality learning," said Rosa Lee Timm, Division President of CSD Social Venture Fund. “Epic allows students to see and interact with remote instructors as if they are present in the same space, making it an inclusive environment that celebrates and nurtures diversity.” The demo and event, “Holographic Horizons: Bridging the Educational Divide” is set to debut at the Southwest (SXSW) festival on March 4th, 2024, led by panelists Rosavetta Jackson, CSD Social Venture Fund Program Manager; Topher Myers, an educational technology expert; and Dr. Laurene E. Simms, a leading voice for inclusive learning. The panelists will discuss how the Epic holoportation device from Proto Inc can serve as a medium for improving educational accessibility, including how it allows for greater clarity of information exchanged in ASL due to its usage of 3D space over more traditional 2D spaces found in video conferencing platforms. Epic’s lack of physical proximity will be highlighted to show how it opens doors to unimaginable use within the realm of universal design in classroom environments, creating far more learning opportunities and accessibility for students affected by inequity and geopolitics. For more information and to register for the event, please visit: https://sxswedu.com About CSD Social Venture Fund Founded in 2017, the CSD Social Venture Fund aims to support Deaf entrepreneurs in creating jobs, breaking down barriers, and serving as positive representations within the Deaf community. By investing in Deaf-owned businesses and providing resources for entrepreneurs, they seek to strengthen the community of Deaf entrepreneurs and, in turn, the Deaf community at large. About Gallaudet University Gallaudet University has been a cornerstone of the deaf and signing community for over 150 years, promoting the intellectual and professional advancement of deaf and hard of hearing individuals through American Sign Language and English. It upholds a proud tradition of research, scholarly activity, and prepares its graduates for careers in a dynamic, technological world. Gallaudet's vision is to be the university of first choice for the most qualified deaf and hard of hearing students globally. Contact Details Communication Service for the Deaf Rosa Lee Timm +1 518-569-1841 svf@csdsvf.com Company Website https://www.csd.org/
February 27, 2024 11:15 AM Eastern Standard Time