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From Releasing A Public Course On Using ChatGPT To Leveraging The AI To Improve Company Efficiency — Amesite (NASDAQ: AMST) Looks Ahead Of The Curve For Integrating ChatGPT

Amesite Inc.

By David Willey, Benzinga Click here to read the latest report on Amesite Inc. ChatGPT has shown the potential changes that generative artificial intelligence can bring to the market. Amesite Inc. (NASDAQ: AMST), a Detroit-based AI software company, has set out the progress it has made in integrating generative AI into its platform. The release of ChatGPT showcased the capabilities and potential of generative AI, which is able to produce increasingly sophisticated original content. The Everything as a Service (XaaS) market, which includes products like generative AI, is predicted to reach $1.2 trillion by 2031 growing at a compound annual growth rate of 23.4% between 2021 and 2031, according to a study from Spherical Insights & Consulting. Unsurprisingly, investing in AI capabilities remains a top priority for businesses as they look for new ways to harness innovations in AI technology. For companies like Amestie that also have exposure to the e-learning market, there could be additonal opportunities to merge growth in both, with the overall global e-learning market projected to climb to nearly $1 trillion by 2028. A lot of uncertainty remains, however, around strategies for systematically integrating generative AI and systems like ChatGPT’s language model, GPT-3. The education sector in particular has shown an unwillingness to adopt the technology, with at least one school district blocking the program’s website, and universities holding internal meetings to discuss how to control the impact of ChatGPT. Amesite, on the other hand, has always had an AI-first strategy. Founded in 2018 to provide a platform and content for the best upskilling and e-learning opportunities, Amesite’s approach has allowed the platform to quickly pivot to integrate the latest AI technology into its system. Amesite Shareholder Presentation Amesite Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Anne Marie Sastry recently shared an update for shareholders over a call. In it, she discussed the company’s financial position, as well as the steps the company has taken to integrate GPT-3 into its platform and business model. Sastry reported that Amesite has had an increase in both its revenue and sales pipeline over the past four quarters and that the company has seen an overall increase in operational efficiency in the same time period. She identified the integration of generative AI into the coding and business operations as a key factor in driving the efficiency and outreach gains made by the company. Sastry made a series of Amesite stock purchases in February and March 2023, buying a total of 6,000 shares of common stock in the company for a purchase price of $16,800. This means Sastry, who has never sold any of her common stock shares in Amesite, now owns over 531,000 shares. This kind of insider buying, where a CEO purchases company stock, generally indicates optimism by company executives about the future growth and stock value of a company. Leveraging AI Developments Sastry commented during the shareholder update on how Amesite is keeping up with the fast-paced developments in the AI industry. As part of its generative AI offerings, Amesite launched new learning and creative assistants that help course designers create content for the platform. It also released a publicly available course on the fundamentals of using ChatGPT. According to Sastry’s presentation, the announcement of Amesite’s ChatGPT content resulted in a five times increase in site traffic. Amesite continues to host eLearning and upskilling programs that have a 99% learner retention rate for businesses, non-profits, and institutes of higher education. Amesite recently announced a pilot program in partnership with Benedict College, as part of the company’s alliance with the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO). The Benedict College Pilot is an upskilling program that gives students the skills to thrive in a tech-driven economy. "Benedict’s commitment to their students is admirable, and Amesite is proud to be able to provide them with a scalable online infrastructure and technology upskilling content to enable them to deliver this learning with excellence. This pilot is another example of how we can deliver much-needed upskilling campus-wide, very efficiently," said Dr. Ann Marie Sastry, Founder and CEO of Amesite. Other companies in the online learning space include Coursera Inc. (NYSE: COUR), 2U (NASDAQ: TWOU) and Powerschool Holdings Inc. (NYSE: PWSC). Interested in learning more about Amesite? Visit its website. This article was originally published on Benzinga here. Amesite Inc., an artificial intelligence driven platform and course designer, provides online products in the United States. The company uses machine learning to offer a mass customized experience to learners. Its customers include businesses, universities and colleges, K-12 schools, and non-profit organizations. The company was incorporated in 2017 and is headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. This post contains sponsored advertising content. This content is for informational purposes only and not intended to be investing advice. Contact Details Amesite, Inc. +1 734-876-8141 Company Website

March 20, 2023 09:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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2023년 상장 예정 신규코인 추천 BEST 11

Finance News

암호화폐 시장은 주식 및 채권 등의 기존 자산군에 비해서 여전히 신생 분야입니다. 따라서 새롭고 흥미로운 신규 코인들이 정기적으로 생겨나고 있으며 각 프로젝트는 비트코인 및 이더리움과 같은 주요 코인으로부터 시장 점유율을 가져오려고 시도하고 있습니다. 가상화폐 시장은 아직 탄생한지 20년 밖에 안 되었다. 비트코인의 등장 이후 매일 수십 개의 신규 암호화폐가 출시되고 있으며 비트코인, 이더리움, 도지코인 등 대형 코인의 시장 점유율을 뺏어오기 위해 최고의 거래소에 상장되기 위해 열심히 노력하고 있다. 현재 발표된 뉴욕 월가의 암호화폐 거래소 EDXM 상장 코인은 비트코인, 이더리움, 라이트코인, 비트코인캐시가 있다. 많은 사람들은 EDXM 상장 코인 80 개를 추측하며 상장 확정 발표를 기다리고 있다. 이 글에서는 업비트 상장 예정 코인 등 2023년 주요 거래소에 상장될 것으로 기대되는 주요 신규 가상화폐 프로젝트 순위 그리고 그 이유에 관해 살펴본다. 2023년 신규 상장 예정 코인 추천 아래에는 코인 상장 예정인 신규 코인 추천 순위이다. 신규 코인 프로젝트의 핵심 가치와 전망을 살펴보며 주목받는 이유를 깊이 있게 살펴보도록 하겠다. 러브 헤이트 이누(LHINU) - 2023년 최고의 상승 여력을 보이는 보트투언 밈코인 파이트 아웃(FGHT) – 무브투언 보상을 제공하는 최첨단 피트니스 솔루션 C+Charge (CCHG) – 전기차 운전자에게 충전 보상을 제공하는 친환경 신규코인 쎄타(THETA) – 혁신적 사용 사례를 제공하는 상장 예정 코인 에스테이트X – 부동산 산업을 혁신하는 신규 상장 코인 에이프코인 – 가장 유명한 NFT 컬렉션을 지원하는 흥미로운 코인 프로젝트 갓스 언체인드 - 무료플레이 트레이딩 카드 게임을 제공하는 이더리움 기반 신규 프로젝트 갈라 게임즈 - 블록체인 게임 개발을 지원하는 인기 신규 코인 넥소 - 가상화폐 대출을 지원하는 크립토 기대작 옵티미즘 - 이더리움을 지원하는 최신 가상화폐 거래소 중 한 곳 파이 코인 - 삼성코인 상장 예정 프로젝트로 업비트 상장 가능성 대두 가상화폐 투자 전 반드시 고려할 사항 가상화폐, 특히나 신규 코인에 투자할 때에는 프로젝트의 위험과 특성, 전망을 다양한 관점에서 분석한 후 본인의 투자 성향 및 철학에 따라 투자해야 한다. 본 기사에서 제공하는 다양한 정보와 함께 추가로 철저하게 조사하여 정보에 입각한 투자 판단을 진행한다면 2023년 불장에서 좋은 성과를 내는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 1. 러브 헤이트 이누(LHINU) – 2023년 최고의 상승 여력을 보이는 보트투언 밈코인 매일 쏟아져 나오는 수많은 코인의 물결 속에서 실제로 현실 세계에 가치를 제공하는 의미 있는 코인을 찾는 것이 쉽지만은 않다. 최근 출시된 밈코인 러브 헤이트 이누 (Love Hate Inu)는 혁신적 방법으로 소셜 미디어에 새로운 가치를 부여해 2023년 최고의 코인 중 하나로 평가받는다. 러브 헤이트 이누는 블록체인 기술을 소셜 미디어에서 큰 인기를 끄는 밈(meme)과 결합한 최초의 보트투언(vote-to-earn) 가상화폐 프로젝트이다. 사용자는 생태계의 네이티브 토큰 LHINU를 스테이킹하여 다양한 주제의 투표에 참여하고 보상을 획득할 수 있다. 현재 LHINU의 사전 판매가 시작했으며 출시 직후 몇 시간 만에 10만 달러 이상을 모금해 가상화폐 커뮤니티에서 큰 화제가 되었다. 사전 판매는 이제 2단계에 진입했으며 토큰 가격은 $0.00009이다. 사전 판매는 총 8단계로 구성되며 전체 진행 기간은 60일이다. 단계가 올라갈 때마다 토큰 가격이 함께 인상되며 마지막 단계에서는 1단계 가격 대비 70.5% 높은 0.000145 USDT에 사전 판매를 마감한다. 구매를 원하는 투자자는 러브 헤이트 이누 공식 홈페이지에서 사전 판매 절차를 통해 구매할 수 있으며 이더(ETH), 테더(USDT) 혹은 신용카드 결제가 가능하다. 러브 헤이트 이누 프로젝트 소개 인터넷 밈과 블록체인, 민주적 투표와 토론의 팬이라면 러브 헤이트 이누 프로젝트는 애정을 가질 수밖에 없는 암호화폐 프로젝트이다. 플랫폼에서 토큰을 보유한 사용자는 LHINU를 스테이킹하고 정치, 사회적 문제, 예능 등 여러 관심사를 주제로 한 설문조사에 참여할 수 있다. 밈과 결합하여 화제성까지 확보한 투표 참여는 소셜 미디어에서 폭발적 인기를 끌 것으로 기대된다. LHINU 토큰은 도지코인, 시바이누, 타마도지 등 성공적이었던 강아지 테마 밈코인의 계보를 이을 차세대 밈코인으로 주목 받고 있다. 러브 헤이트 이누는 해마다 성장하는 온라인 설문조사 시장을 공략해 블록체인 기술로 파괴적 혁신을 이루고자 한다. 플랫폼은 이더리움 블록체인을 기반으로 개발해 투표 과정의 안전성과 익명성을 보장하며 결과 조작이 어렵기 때문에 기존 온라인 설문조사 플랫폼과 차별화된다. 개발팀은 커뮤니티의 활발한 참여를 중요하게 여기며 인터넷에서 사람들이 각종 주제에 관해 건전하게 논의할 환경을 조성하고자 한다. 투표에 등장하는 귀여운 일러스트 역시 공유하고 싶어지게 만드는 요소로 투표 자체가 하나의 밈이 된다. 투표 진행 방식 러브 헤이트 이누 생태계에는 세 가지 플랫폼 유저 인터페이스, 투표 제출 플랫폼, 투표 관리 대시보드가 존재한다. 사용자는 유저 인터페이스에서 투표에 참여할 수 있다. 새로운 투표안은 투표 제출 플랫폼에서 할 수 있으며 현재 진행 중인 투표는 투표 관리 대시보드에서 투명하게 모니터링된다. 이때 플랫폼의 보상은 투표 관리 대시보드를 통해 커뮤니티에 분배된다. 백서에 따르면 투표에 참여하기 위해서는 먼저 LHINU 토큰을 30일 이상 스테이킹해야 한다. 실시간 스테이킹 메커니즘을 사용한 투표 절차는 사용자의 익명성을 유지할 수 있도록 하며 스팸 및 조작 행위를 예방한다. 사용자는 투표에 참여하는 단순한 행위로 LHINU 토큰을 보상으로 받을 수 있다. 이때 스테이킹 규모 및 기간에 따라 투표권의 힘이 가중되며 보상의 크기도 결정된다. 러브 헤이트 이누는 투자 가치가 높을까? 러브 헤이트 이누 는 분산 장부 기술을 활용해 투표 결과를 기록하기 때문에 결과의 수정이 불가능하여 온라인 설문조사 시장을 혁신할 잠재력을 가졌다. 밈의 유행으로 형성할 강력한 지지 커뮤니티와 바이럴 인기는 온라인 투표 시장을 지배할 가능성을 보여준다. 개발팀은 커뮤니티의 중요성을 강조하기 위해 토큰노믹스 구조에도 신경을 썼다. 전체 토큰 공급량 중 90%를 사전 판매에서 공개 판매하여 지분이 커뮤니티에 진정 관심 있는 회원에게 돌아가도록 했으며 러그 풀 가능성도 크게 감소한다. 나머지 10%의 토큰은 커뮤니티 인센티브, 유동성 공급, 거래소 상장 비용 등에 사용된다. 프로젝트에 관한 더 자세한 사항은 러브 헤이트 이누 공식 텔레그램 채널에 참여해 확인할 수 있다. 2. 파이트 아웃(FGHT) – 무브투언 보상을 제공하는 최첨단 피트니스 솔루션 파이트 아웃 (Fight Out)은 사용자가 운동 과제를 완수할 때 토큰 보상을 제공하는 신개념 피트니스 블록체인 플랫폼이다. 개발팀은 금전적 인센티브를 통해 사용자가 오랫동안 건강한 라이프스타일을 실천할 수 있도록 돕고자 프로젝트를 설립했다. 파이트 아웃은 무브투언(move-to-earn) 프로젝트로 커뮤니티에 참여하고 운동 목표를 달성하는 사용자에게 보상을 지급한다. 무부트언 보상은 게임 내부 통화인 REPS로 제공된다. REPS 토큰은 상점 아이템, 개인 트레이너와의 레슨, 운동 장비 등을 구매하는 데 사용할 수 있으며 $FGHT 코인으로 부족한 REPS를 구매하는 것도 가능하다. 현재 생태계의 네이티브 토큰 $FGHT 사전 판매가 진행되고 있다. 토큰 가격은 현재 $0.03090이며 4일 후 다시 한 번 가격이 인상될 예정이기 때문에 지금이 FGHT를 구매하기 가장 좋은 시기라 할 수 있다. 사전 판매 절차도 3월 31일에 종료되고 4월 5일 신규 거래소 상장을 진행하므로 관심 있는 투자자는 서둘러야 한다. 파이트 아웃 역시 사전 판매에서 전체 토큰의 90%를 공급하고 유동성으로는 나머지 10%의 토큰만 활용되기 때문에 거래소에 상장한 후에는 토큰 구매가 상대적으로 어려워 높은 프리미엄을 주고 코인을 구매해야 할 수 있다. $FGHT 은 단순히 걸음 수 뿐 아니라 사용자의 전체적 신체 운동을 추적해 보상을 제공한다는 면에서 기존의 무브투언 코인 프로젝트에 비해 업그레이드되었다. 파이트 아웃은 웨어러블 기술로 사용자의 모든 운동을 종합적으로 측정하며 현실 세계의 운동은 사용자의 디지털 아바타에 그대로 반영되어 운동 성과를 시각적으로 확인할 수 있다. 아바타는 현실 세계에서 운동하여 훈련시키며 능력치를 강화할 수 있다. 이후 메타버스에서 다른 사용자와 대결해 우승하면 추가 토큰 보상을 획득할 수 있다. 파이트 아웃 상점에는 아바타를 커스터마이징할 수 있는 다양한 아이템도 판매하고 있으므로 개성에 맞게 꾸미고 뽐낼 수 있다. 파이트 아웃은 오프라인 체육관도 개설할 예정이며 운동 보상으로 받은 REPS로 오플인 헬스장의 회원권을 구매할 수 있어 특별한 피트니스 경험을 체험할 수 있다. 프로젝트에 관한 자세한 사항은 공식 텔레그램 채널을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 3. C+Charge (CCHG) – 전기차 운전자에게 충전 보상을 제공하는 친환경 신규코인 C+Charge 는 블록체인 기반 P2P 결제 네트워크를 구축해 전기차(EV) 운전자에게 토큰으로 간편하게 충전 요금을 지불할 수 있는 플랫폼을 제공하고 충전에 관해 탄소 배출권을 보상으로 지급하는 친환경 프로젝트이다. C+Charge 생태계는 CCHG 토큰을 중심으로 하며 2022년 12월에 사전 판매를 시작했다. 현재 사전 판매 7단계가 진행되고 있으며 마지막 8단계에서 토큰 가격은 $0.02350까지 증가한다. 따라서 지금 참여하면 거래소에 상장하기 전 최저가에 구매할 수 있다. 전기차 운전자는 C+Charge 앱에서 CCHG 토큰으로 차량을 충전하고 보상으로 탄소 배출권을 받은 후 앱 계정에 보관할 수 있다. 앱은 결제 기능 외에도 운전자에게 인근 충전소 위치를 알려주고 충전소별 실시간 대기 시간 및 충전 요금 정보를 제공해 종합 충전 솔루션이 되고자 한다. 충전소 사업주 입장에서는 충전소의 기술적 결함을 원격으로 점검할 수 있도록 지원해 관리의 편리함을 제공한다. C+Charge는 CCHG 토큰과 탄소 배출권 시장 민주화를 통해 전기차 대중화를 가속화하려고 한다. 전기차 운전자는 그들의 친환경 행위에 대해 탄소 배출권 판매로 수익을 올릴 수 있기 때문에 화석 연료 차량에서 전기차로 바꿀 금전적 인센티브가 생기기 때문이다. C+Charge는 플로우카본(Flowcarbon)과의 제휴를 통해 탄소 배출권을 GNT 토큰의 형태로 사용자에게 제공한다. 플로우카본은 인베스코, a16z 및 삼성 등의 거대 벤처 캐피털로부터 투자를 받은 유망한 친환경 크립토 프로젝트이다. C+Charge는 또한 퍼펙트 솔루션 터키(Perfect Solution Turkey)와도 파트너십을 맺어 튀르키예 충전소의 20%를 네트워크에 흡수했다. CCHG 의 전체 토큰 공급량은 10억 토큰이며 이 중에서 8%가 유동성으로 공급되고 40%가 사전 판매를 통해 공개 판매된다. 프로젝트에 관한 자세한 사항은 공식 텔레그램 그룹에 참여해 확인할 수 있다. 4. 쎄타(THETA) – 혁신적 사용 사례를 제공하는 상장 예정 코인 가상화폐 투자자라면 한 번은 쎄타(Theta) 프로젝트에 관한 이야기를 들어보았을 수 있다. 쎄타는 비디오 스트리밍 분야를 혁신하는 크립토 프로젝트로 유튜브처럼 중앙 집중적으로 통제하기보다 탈중앙화하여 컨텐츠를 제공한다. 쎄타에서 컨텐츠 크리에이터는 영상을 업로드하는 대가로 쎄타의 네이티브 토큰 TFUEL을 보상으로 받게 된다. 쎄타 네트워크는 또한 THETA라는 거버넌스 토큰이 존재하며 스테이킹을 통해 THETA를 TFUEL로 교환하는 것도 가능하다. 쎄타는 삼성, 소니 등의 굵직한 기업으로부터 투자를 받으며 가상화폐 커뮤니티에서 주목받고 있는 프로젝트로 높은 성장 가능성을 가졌다. 5. 에스테이트X – 부동산 산업을 혁신하는 신규 상장 코인 에스테이트X(EstateX)는 2020년에 설립된 코인 프로젝트로 올해 여러 거래소에 상장될 것으로 주목받는다. 에스테이트X는 전 세계 개인 투자자가 보다 쉽게 부동산에 투자할 수 있도록 하겠다는 목표를 가진 블록체인 프로젝트이다. 에스테이트X는 부동산에 대한 조각 소유권을 구현해 생태계에서 개인이 쉽게 부동산 조각을 구매하고 판매할 수 있도록 지원한다. 사용자가 조각 지분을 구매하면 소유권은 에스테이트X의 블록체인에 기록되어 거래의 투명성과 안전성을 보장한다. 프로젝트는 유통시장도 공급해 누구나 365일 지분을 거래할 수 있도록 지원한다. 공식 웹사이트 설명에 따르면 에스테이트X는 누구나 최소 $100부터 투자해 탄탄한 부동산 포트폴리오를 구축할 기회를 제공하며 동시에 임대료 수익을 통한 패시브 인컴도 누릴 수 있도록 한다. 네트워크의 모든 거래는 에스테이트X의 네이티브 토큰 ESX로 이루어진다. ESX는 유틸리티 토큰으로 시간이 지나면서 다양한 사용 사례를 갖추게 될 예정이다. 현재 ESX의 사전 판매가 진행되고 있으며 개발팀은 사전 판매 참여 투자자에게 다양한 혜택을 제공하고 있다. 주요 혜택 중 하나로 ESX가 거래소에 상장된 후 사전 판매 투자자에게는 ESX를 할인가에 구매할 추가 기회가 제공된다. 이외에도 사전 판매 투자자에게는 탈중앙화 기능, 이벤트 및 특별 미팅, 프리미엄 투자 전략 클럽, 독점 NFT 등 다양한 혜택이 주어진다. ESX는 보유자에게 거버넌스 권리도 제공하여 에스테이트X 플랫폼에 등재될 부동산을 선정하기 위한 투표에 참여할 수 있다. 코인은 올해 하반기에 사전 판매가 종료된 후 상장될 예정이다. 사전 판매에서 ESX 코인을 구매하기 위해서는 화이트리스트에 등록해야 한다. 6. 에이프코인 – 가장 유명한 NFT 컬렉션을 지원하는 흥미로운 코인 프로젝트 에이프코인(ApeCoin)은 ERC-20 토큰으로 출시 직후부터 시장에서 큰 관심을 끌었다. 에이프코인은 유틸리티 코인이자 거버넌스 코인으로 에이프 생태계를 구동하며 에이프코인 다오(DAO) 투표권을 제공한다. 에이프(APE) 생태계는 에이프코인 토큰 보유자의 커뮤니티 및 상품, 에이프코인을 사용하는 서비스 등을 모두 포함한다. 에이프 생태계의 가장 유명한 회원으로는 유가 랩스(Yuga Labs)가 있으며, 이들은 에이프코인이 출시 초기부터 화제가 된 이유이기도 하다. 유가 랩스는 전 세계에서 가장 성공적 NFT 컬렉션으로 잘 알려진 BAYC 즉 지루한원숭이요트클럽의 창립자이다. 해당 NFT 컬렉션은 각각 개성 있고 스타일이 다른 유니크한 지루한 원숭이 이미지 1만 개로 이루어졌다. 컬렉션은 워낙 인기가 높아 저스틴 비버, 에미넴, 스눕독 등 유명 연예인도 구매하였다. 유가 랩스는 BAYC 외에도 다양한 상품을 제작했으며 MAYC, BAKC, 아더사이트 메타버스 등이 포함된다. 에이프코인은 BAYC 생태계의 네이티브 토큰으로 사용되며 유가 랩스는 코인을 아더사이드 메타버스의 네이티브 토큰으로도 활용할 계획이기 때문에 에이프코인은 플랫폼의 거래에도 사용된다. 따라서 에이프코인은 단순히 구매, 판매, 거래할 수 있는 기능을 넘어서 디파이 산업에서 다양한 사용 사례를 제공한다. 에이프코인은 에이프코인 다오에서 자금의 분배, 규칙 제정, 프로젝트 선정 등 다양한 사안에 투표할 수 있도록 지원한다. 또한 게임, 이벤트, NFT, 서비스 등 에이프 생태계가 제공하는 다양한 독점 컨텐츠에 접근할 기회를 제공한다. 에이프코인의 다양한 사용 사례는 코인이 앞으로 활발하게 사용되며 에이프 커뮤니티 사용자가 증가할수록 수요가 급증할 것임을 시사한다. 에이프 코인의 전체 토큰 공급량은 10억 토큰으로 고정되었으며 통화가 증가하거나 수축하지 않는다. 에이프코인이 새로 발행되거나 소각되어 가치에 영향을 주는 일도 없을 계획이다. 에이프코인은 OKX를 비롯해 여러 주요 가상화폐 거래소에 이미 상장되어 있다. 7. 갓스 언체인드 - 무료플레이 트레이딩 카드 게임을 제공하는 이더리움 기반 신규 프로젝트 갓스 언체인드(Gods Unchained)는 블록체인 기반 온라인 게임으로 사용자에게 플레이투언(play-to-earn) 기능을 제공한다. 사용자는 여가 시간에 게임을 즐기며 동시에 토큰 보상으로 수익도 창출할 수 있다. 갓스 언체인드는 전략 트레이딩 카드 게임으로, 뛰어난 전략으로 상대와 카드 게임에서 이겨야 한다. 카드는 고유한 NFT로 발행되기 때문에 사용자가 마켓플레이스에서 카드를 거래하며 수익을 창출하는 것도 가능하다. 플랫폼은 2018년에 블록체인 산업에서 탄탄한 경력을 다진 제임 퍼거슨과 로비 퍼거슨(James and Robbie Ferguson) 두 형제가 창립했다. 게임은 단기간에 인기를 끌었으며 최대 규모의 블록체인 게임으로 성장하였다. 이는 홍보 팀이 다양한 이벤트와 프로젝트로 강력한 커뮤니티를 구축하는 데 성공했기 때문에 가능했다. 갓스 언체인드는 2021년에 자체 네이티브 토큰 GODS를 발행했다. GODS는 갓스 언체인드 생태계의 유틸리티 토큰이며 ERC-20 토큰으로 카드를 거래하고 보상을 얻을 때 사용된다. 사용자는 카드를 판매해 GODS 토큰을 생성할 수 있으며 토큰은 법정 통화로 교환할 수 있다. 사용자는 완전히 무료로 갓스 언체인드 게임을 시작할 수 있으며 갓 캐릭터를 선택하면 캐릭터의 특성을 묘사하는 카드 일부를 얻게 된다. 다른 특성과 능력치를 지닌 카드는 추가로 구매할 수 있다. 갓스 언체인드는 이더리움 네트워크에서 개발된 가장 성공적 신규 게임 프로젝트 중 하나이다. 등록 사용자 수는 45만 명 이상이며 주간 활성 사용자 수도 8만 명을 넘는다. GODS 코인의 전체 공급량은 5억 토큰으로 게임, 사용자, 판매, 개발자에게 고루 분배되었다. GODS는 현재 $1 아래에서 거래되고 있으며 시가 총액이 적지만, 커뮤니티가 성장하면서 코인 가치가 점점 상승할 것으로 기대된다. 8. 갈라 게임즈 - 블록체인 게임 개발을 지원하는 인기 신규 코인 블록체인 기술과 플레이투언(P2E) 요소를 결합한 또 하나의 강력한 게이밍 플랫폼으로 갈라 게임즈(Gala Games) 프로젝트가 있다. 프로젝트는 에릭 슈마이어(Eric Shiermeyer)가 2019년에 창립했다. 그는 2000년대부터 게임 산업에서 커리어를 시작했으며 징가(Zynga), 비케이브(Bee Cave) 등 유명 게임 개발 과정에 참여했다. 슈마이어는 게임 산업에 20년 이상의 경력을 가진 마이클 맥카시(Michael McCarthy)와 갈라 게임즈를 공동 창립했다. 갈라 게임즈는 게임 산업 최대 문제 중 하나를 해결하고자 했으며 이는 플레이어가 인게임 아이템 및 게임 보상에 대해 온전한 소유권을 갖도록 하는 것이었다. 갈라는 산업에서 큰 주목을 받았다. 갈라는 그동안 놀라운 속도로 성장했으며 실시간 전략 멀티플레이어 온라인 배틀 아레나 등 다수의 게임 타이틀을 제공한다. 모든 게임은 다양한 플레이를 제공하며 게임 과정에서 사용자가 보상을 획득할 수 있다. 갈라는 자체 개발팀 및 파트너사가 개발한 게임을 이미 여럿 출시했다. 갈라 플랫폼에 출시된 첫 번째 플레이투언 게임은 타운 스타(Town Star)로 사용자는 도시를 위한 핵심 요소를 구매해 나만의 도시를 개발할 수 있다. 다른 인기 게임으로 미란더스(Mirandus), 스파이더 탱크(Spider Tanks), 에코스 오브 엠파이어(Echoes of Empire)가 있으며, 마지막 게임의 경우 사용자가 적을 공격해 보상을 획득할 수 있다. 갈라는 이더리움 블록체인에서 개발되었으며 GALA 토큰은 ERC-20 토큰이다. 개발팀은 특별 네트워크를 사용해 토큰을 바이낸스 스마트 체인에 연결해 가스 비용을 낮추었다. GALA 토큰은 갈라 게임에서 게임 내부 아이템을 구매하고 판매하는 데 사용된다. 사용자는 또한 개인간 거래에도 GALA 토큰은 사용할 수 있다. 9. 넥소 - 가상화폐 대출을 지원하는 크립토 기대작 넥소는 2018년에 설립된 흥미로운 가상화폐 프로젝트로 가상화폐 예금 및 대출 플랫폼이다. 플랫폼은 장기 투자자 혹은 가상화폐를 가만히 두고 싶지 않은 코인 보유자를 위한 다양한 기능을 제공한다. 프로젝트는 그동안 발전하여 가상화폐 기반 카드, 가상화폐 대출, 크립토 론 등의 고급 기능도 출시했다. 셀시우스(Celsius), 보이저(Voyager) 등의 유사 플랫폼은 파산했지만, 넥소는 여전히 운영되고 있다. 넥소 플랫폼에서 사용자는 코인 가치에 따라 가상화폐를 구매, 판매, 거래, 및 임대할 수 있다. 하지만 가장 핵심 기능은 보유한 가상화폐를 임대하여 정기 이자 수익을 획득할 수 있는 기능이다. 이율은 다양한 요인에 따라 변동되지만 보통 연수익률 6%에서 12% 사이에 존재한다. 또 한 가지 매력적 기능으로 가상화폐를 담보로 법정 통화 대출을 받을 수 있다. 대출 금액은 보유한 가상화폐의 수 및 가치에 따라 결정된다. 아마 넥소의 가장 독특한 기능은 넥소 신용카드로, 가상화폐를 담보로 하는 최초의 신용카드이다. 넥스 신용카드는 마스터카드를 지원하는 모든 곳에서 상품과 서비스를 구매하는 데 사용할 수 있다. 가장 혁신적 기능은 카드에 보유한 가상화폐의 가치에 따라 결제하면서 실제로는 가상화폐를 사용하지 않는 것이다. 넥소는 카드에 보유한 가상화폐의 가치를 통해 법정통화를 대출하여 대금을 결제한다. 플랫폼은 구매액에 대해 보상도 지급하며 ATM 출금도 지원한다. 넥소 네트워크는 네이티브 토큰 NEXO로 뒷받침된다. NEXo는 유틸리티 토큰이며 보유자에게 여러 혜택을 제공한다. 가령, NEO 보유자는 낮은 금리로 대출을 받을 수 있으며 자신의 가상화폐를 대출할 때 보다 높은 이율을 취할 수 있다. NEXO의 최대 토큰 공급량은 10억 토큰이며 이미 절반 이상이 유통되고 있다. 시가 총액은 거의 5억 달러에 달하기 때문에 시가 총액 기준으로 세계 100대 가상화폐에 속한다. 10. 옵티미즘 - 이더리움을 지원하는 최신 가상화폐 거래소 중 한 곳 많은 가상화폐 프로젝트가 이더리움을 경쟁에서 이기고자 출시되어 “이더리움 킬러”로 불리지만, 동시에 여러 프로젝트는 이더리움을 지원하기 위해 출시되었다. 옵티미즘(Optimism)은 이더리움 블록체인 상의 거래 속도를 높이고 가격을 낮추어 이더리움 블록체인을 지원하기 위해 설립된 신규 가상화폐 프로젝트 중 하나이다. 하지만 이더리움 블록체인은 무슨 문제가 있어 이러한 프로젝트가 등장했을까? 이더리움의 문제는 블록체인의 확장성과 관련 있으며, 다시 말해 특정 시간에 처리할 수 있는 거래의 수와 연관된다. 거래의 수가 증가할수록 이더리움은 단기간에 거래를 처리하는 데 어려움을 겪으며 가스 비용 역시 급격히 상승한다. 이더리움의 이러한 문제를 극복하기 위해 많은 레이어2 프로토콜이 출시되었으며 이들은 확장 솔루션으로 불린다. 옵티미즘도 이러한 확장 솔루션 중 하나로 “옵티미스틱 롤업(optimistic rollups)” 기술을 사용해 이더리움의 문제에 대응한다. 따라서 프로젝트의 이름이 옵티미즘이 되었다. 옵티미즘은 수백 개의 트랜잭션을 하나의 묶음으로 형성(롤업)한다. 이들은 이더리움 블록체인에서 단일 거래로 나타나며 동시에 검증된다. 따라서 롤업에 포함된 모든 거래를 개별적으로 검증하지 않아도 되어 시간과 비용을 절약할 수 있다. 절차를 안전하게 유지하기 위해 검증자는 거짓 데이터가 포함되었다고 생각할 경우 일주일 간 롤업을 확인할 수 있다. 옵티미즘은 또한 네이티브 토큰을 발행해 거버넌스에서 중요한 역할을 수행하도록 한다. 거버넌스 구조는 옵티미스트 컬렉티브(The Optimist Collective)라 불리며 두 요소 시티즌 하우스(Citizen’s House)와 토큰 하우스(Token House)로 구성된다. 현재 OP 토큰 보유자는 옵티미즘 프로젝트의 기술적 결정에 관해 투표할 권리를 가진다. 옵티미즘은 시장에 출시된지 얼마 안 된 비교적 신생 ㅍ로젝트이지만 이미 이더리움을 지원하는 확장 솔루션으로 세계 두 번째 규모를 자랑한다. OP 토큰의 시가 총액은 8억 달러에 달하며 시가 총액 기준 150위 안에 든다. 11. 파이 코인 - 삼성코인 상장 예정 프로젝트로 업비트 상장 가능성 대두 파이(Pi) 네트워크는 일반인이 안전하게 운영할 수 있는 스마트 계약 기능 플랫폼을 개발하고자 한다. 프로토콜은 세계에서 가장 포용적인 P2P 마켓플레이스를 발전시키고자 하며 유틸리티 토큰인 파이 코인(Pi Coin)이 생태계를 구동한다. 파이 네트워크는 낮은 진입 장벽을 자랑하면서 동시에 블록체인의 다양한 혜택을 제공한다. 여기에는 검열 저항성, 두 주체 간의 허가가 필요없는 거래, 익명성, 누구나 동등한 위치에서 참여하는 금융 시장 등을 포함한다. 파이 개발팀은 미래 사용성을 고려해 작업증명(PoW) 방식의 합의 알고리즘에 의존하지 않는다. 대신 새로운 합의 메카니즘인 연합 비잔틴 동의(Federated Byzantine Agreement, FBA) 알고리즘을 사용한다. 이는 스텔라 블록체인에서 사용하는 유명한 SCP를 기반으로 한다. 스텔라 네트워크는 기업 및 기관이 노드 검증자로 참여한다면 파이의 FBA는 개인이 기기를 사용해 네트워크의 안전에 기여하면서 보상을 받을 수 있도록 지원한다. 파이 네트워크는 아직 개발 중이지만 이미 널리 채택되고 있다. 프로토콜은 2019년 6월 기준 활성 사용자 수가 10만 명을 돌파했으며 2020년 5월에 2,900만 명을 돌파했다. 오늘날 파이 네트워크의 활성 사용자 수는 3,300만 명을 넘는다. 파이 코인은 삼성 그룹이 투자를 확정해 삼성 코인이라고도 불린다. 한국의 대기업이 투자한 만큼 파이코인 업비트상장 가능성도 제기되어 파이코인 상장 예정 가능성에 많은 이들이 주목하고 있다. 상장 예정 신규 코인에 투자하는 것은 좋은 투자 전략일까? 거래소 상장을 앞둔 사전 신규 코인에 투자하는 것이 좋은 전략일 수 있는 이유에 대해 간략히 살펴본다. 높은 수익성 사전 판매 코인이 투자 전략으로 좋은 가장 핵심적 이유는, 낮은 가격에 확보하여 추후 거래소에 상장되었을 때 높은 가격에 판매하며 높은 수익률을 달성할 수 있기 때문이다. 2022년 가상화폐 약세장에서도 사전 판매 코인은 높은 수익률을 기록했으며 럭키 블록, 타마도지 등의 사례를 통해 확인할 수 있다 신규 코인 프로젝트는 아직 성공 가능성을 가늠할 수 없어 위험성이 따르지만, 유망한 프로젝트를 선별하여 투자하는 경우 비트코인 등 대형 코인에 투자해서는 달성하기 어려운 높은 수익을 획득할 수 있다는 장점이 존재한다. 초기부터 커뮤니티 참여 가능 가상화폐 커뮤니티는 커뮤니티가 중요한 요소로 초기부터 커뮤니티에 참여하면 비슷한 관심사를 가진 사용자와 교류하고 유용한 정보를 얻을 수 있다. 신규 상장 코인 투자자가 되는 경우 초기부터 커뮤니티의 주요 회원으로 참여해 프로젝트에서 중요한 역할을 하며 성장할 수 있고 다른 투자 기회에 대해서도 배울 수 있다. 혁신적 사용 사례 신규 코인 프로젝트의 경우 기존 코인과 경쟁에서 이기고 투자자의 관심을 집중시키기 위해 현실 세계에 가치를 제공하는 혁신적 사용 사례를 제공한다. 사용 사례가 유용할수록 수요가 높아져 장기적으로 프로젝트가 성공할 확률이 높아지기 때문에 의미 있는 사용 사례를 가진 프로젝트를 구별하는 것이 중요하다. 마치며 본 기사에서는 2023년에 주요 거래소에 상장될 확률이 높은 유망한 신규 상장 예정 코인 프로젝트를 분석해보았다. 가상화폐 시장은 변동성이 높지만 여전히 신규 코인에 관한 수요가 높으며 다음 상승장에서 기록적 상승률을 달성할 확률이 높다. 최근 암호화폐가 금융 시장의 변동성을 헷지할 가치 저장소로 가치를 인정받게 되며 다시 시장이 회복 조짐을 보이고 있다. 집필진이 선정한 올해 최고의 상장 예정 코인은 투표에 참여하여 보상을 획득할 수 있는 신규 개념의 밈코인 러브 헤이트 이누 LHINU 코인이다. 이 플랫폼은 독특한 보트투언(V2E) 메카니즘에 블록체인 기술을 접목해 온라인 설문조사 시장을 혁신할 높은 잠재력을 가져서 올해 성과가 기대된다. 면책조항: 이 기사는 투자 조언으로 받아들여져서는 안됩니다. 암호화폐는 변동성이 큰 자산입니다. 투자하기 전에 직접 조사하고 손실을 감당할 수 있는 범위 내에서 투자하십시오. 당사는 이 기사 내의 링크로부터 수수료를 받을 수 있습니다. Contact Details Finance News Alex Brown

March 20, 2023 07:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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New to The Street Airs its Televised Corporate Interviews on Newsmax TV and The FOX Business Network, Episodes 449 and 450; Broadcastings Begin Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 3:30 PM ET

New To The Street

The Following Corporate interviews will air on Newsmax TV, episode 449, Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 3:30 PM ET, and on the FOX Business Network, episode 450, Monday, March 20, 2023, at 10:30 PM PT. 1). Health Insurance – Health in Tech's interview with Tim Johnson, CEO. 2). E-commerce/ Digital Marketing – Society Pass Incorporated's (NASDAQ: SOPA) ($SOPA) interview with Dennis Nguyen, Founder/CEO/Chairman. 3). Digital Marketing Solutions– Deviate Digital Agency's interview with Jonas Muthoni, Founder/CEO. 4). Sustainable Solutions - The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd.'s (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) HumiSoil Product Commercial. 5). "Sekur Privacy & Sekur Security Segment -The Weekly Hack" interview with internet privacy expert Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO, Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) ( Sekur® ). Tim Johnson, CEO of Health in Tech, sits with New to Street's TV Host Jane King from the Nasdaq MarketSite studio to discuss the Company. As a disruptive innovator in the health insurance industry, Heath in Tech provides technological-based self-funded health insurance solutions for the needs of small businesses. Most businesses in the US have under 100 employees who need comprehensive insurance coverage. Many small businesses have few options for good insurance coverage at costs that can be sustainable. Tim informs viewers as an insuretech Company, he and his team are constantly looking for improvements in cost-effective insurance for small entities. In the Fall of 2022, the Company launched "eDIYBS" (Do it Yourself Benefits System), a web-based software platform that gives a real-time health insurance quote. Insurance brokers, carriers, and other healthcare insurance professionals can log on to the system and shop for the best possible healthcare coverage. A legacy insurance system can take up to 2 weeks or longer for a small business owner to receive a quote; eDIYBS provides quotes within minutes. Approximately $3.5T is spent yearly in the US on health care, and Health in Tech looks for innovations to reduce health coverage costs. The Company has a team of executives with years of experience in the health insurance industry ready to assist small business owners and their healthcare brokers with the best and cheapest insurance. Health In Tech eDIYBS platform continues to see more brokers and carriers signing up. Tim welcomes employers, insurance carriers, and brokers to sign up through the Company's website, The interview will air on Newsmax TV, episode 449, March 18, 2023, 3:30 PM ET and on the FOX Business Network, episode 450, March 20, 2023, 10:30 PM PT. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Health in Tech - From the Nasdaq MarketSite studio, New to The Street TV airs Dennis Nguyen, Founder, CEO, and Chairman at Society Pass Incorporated. (NASDAQ: SOPA) ($SOPA) interview with TV Host Jane King. Society Pass is a leading Southeast Asia e-commerce and fintech Company with several business verticals. Dennis tells viewers that 2022 was an excellent year for the Company, with more acquisitions and higher revenue growth from its 6- business verticals - loyalty awards, lifestyle, telecom, travel, food/beverage, and digital media ads. In March 2022, Southeast Asia lifted its Covid restrictions, and SOPA's travel subsidiary NusaTrip, a leading Indonesia-based online travel agency, has seen upward solid growth. Dennis and the travel industry call it "Revenge Travel," where people want to go somewhere after being on lockdown during the Covid crisis. NusasTrip's revenues are up monthly, and travel bookings remain strong. NusaTrip has access to over 500 airlines and over 200,000 hotels to assist customers in bookings. Dennis states that the Company continues to execute its business plan outlined to investors at the time of the Company's IPO. The number of employees has grown from forty-five (45) in 2021 to about two hundred fifty (250) in 2022, and SOPA expects to employ about five hundred (500) in 2023. Women play a significant role in SOPA's growth and success, with over 50% of its personnel being women. SOPA will soon file its US SEC 2022 Annual Report on FORM 10K, providing operational and financial disclosures. The interview will air on Newsmax TV, episode 449, March 18, 2023, 3:30 PM ET and on the FOX Business Network, episode 450, March 20, 2023, 10:30 PM PT. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Society Pass Incorporated - New to The Street's TV Host Jane King interviews Jonas Muthoni, CEO/Founder of Deviate Digital Agency (Deviate). From the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) studio, Jonas explains Deviate's business model and how it assists with many clients in different industries. Many businesses overlook the importance of using the many available digital marketing channels. Jonas and his team explore other digital marketing ideas with clients putting together a comprehensive strategy and creating an effective business plan to achieve maximum digital content exposure for clients' goods/services. Deviate differs from competitors because they partner with clients, using strategies and ideas to get the best social media coverage and digital marketing exposure. With its technology platform, Deviate can provide digital matrix information so a client can see data results. Those results can assist in adjusting methods to get the best possible outcomes for brand awareness and sales generations. Jonas and his team's optimization strategies, website designs /developments, paid ads, and professional social media marketing tools can grow a client's e-commerce footprint for years. The interview will air on Newsmax TV, episode 449, March 18, 2023, 3:30 PM ET and on the FOX Business Network, episode 450, March 20, 2023, 10:30 PM PT. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Deviate Digital Agency - New to The Street airs The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd.'s (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) HumiSoil Product Commercial. The onset of modern agricultural methods with the innovation of synthetic fertilizers is destroying soil's natural components. Soil has lost the ability to maintain nutrients and water from the overused non-organic fertilizers. Humus is the main compound of soil, the energy of the ground, which is like a battery storing much-needed nutrients and water for the growth of crops. A depletion of a soil's energy reduces crop yields. The soil cannot regenerate or recharge without humus for future crop yields. A sustainable solution is SGTM's HumiSoil product which uses less water, no fertilizer requirements, and can yield 100% organic vegetables, fruits, and flowers. The product rebuilds soil hydration on a cellular level and keeps CO2 from being released into the atmosphere, creating an organic soil composition that feels and smells very earthy. HumiSoil has a "Zero-Carbon" footprint and works in any climate, soil, and atmospheric conditions as a sustainable organic product. The Earth has a population of about 8 billion people, and sustainability will be the key to future generations' access to sustainable agricultural products to ensure healthy and robust food sources. HumiSoil is now available for gardeners and farmers. The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. and VRM BioLogik Group have a strategic relationship, and a distribution agreement, whereas SGTM can produce and sell HumiSoil in the USA / Caribbean markets. The HumiSoil product commercial will air on Newsmax TV, episode 449, March 18, 2023, 3:30 PM ET and on the FOX Business Network, episode 450, March 20, 2023, 10:30 PM PT. Viewers can learn more at The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. - New to The Street re-airs its "Sekur Privacy & Sekur Security Segment – The Weekly Hack " with Alain Ghiai, an internationally acclaimed internet privacy expert and the CEO of Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0). Alain talks with TV Host and Multi-media Journalist Ana Berry about several cybersecurity breaches at GoDaddy. The cPanel access, an open-source code platform used by coders and programmers at GoDaddy, is the possible source of numerous hacks. Hackers accessed the cPanel and installed malware redirecting hosted domains and email accounts. GoDaddy's customers experienced many business disruptions from these cyberattacks. can offer a business and individuals a secure and private e-communication platform. SekurMail, with its SekurSend/SekurReply options, protect both the subscriber and the recipient, even if the recipient is not a Sekur subscriber. Sekur, a closed-loop encrypted military platform, operates on its wholly owned servers in Switzerland and offers a security solution unavailable on those free, open-source Big Tech platforms. A business can migrate its domain onto the Sekur services platform. SekurMail is $7.00 for individuals and $10.00 for a business email, and with PROMO CODE: PRIVACY, subscribers can get an additional 15% off monthly and yearly subscriptions, good for 5-years on uninterrupted subscriptions. With Sekur's enhanced security features, end-users can greatly minimize a possible cybercriminals attack. Sekur Private Data, Ltd. operates its internet platforms and security businesses under the country of Switzerland's very tough privacy laws. It never data mines, never sells data, and never asks for a phone number. The on-screen QR code is available during the show to download more info or visit Sekur Private Data, Ltd. – The interview re-airs on Newsmax TV as episode 449, March 18, 2023, 3:30 PM ET and on the FOX Business Network as episode 450, March 20, 2023, 10:30 PM PT. What is your privacy worth? About Health in Tech: Health in Tech is the industry-leading insurtech Company that delivers disruptive innovation and proprietary technology to reimagine everything one needs to know about risk, underwriting, and self-funding, making all processes better, faster, and more efficient for everyone involved. Clients can get a quote for small and medium-sized groups from weeks to minutes. Health in Tech provides all the insurance information available within seconds, delivering clients an all-encompassing "Cradle to Grave" solution. Its technology platform provides immediate access to actionable data and tools, giving efficient and accurate information on health insurance options - About Society Pass Incorporated (NASDAQ: SOPA): Founded in 2018 as a data-driven loyalty, fintech, and e-commerce ecosystem in the fast-growing markets of Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, which account for more than 80% of the Southeast Asia (SEA) population, and with offices located in Angeles, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Manila, and Singapore, Society Pass Incorporated ( NASDAQ: SOPA ) is an acquisition-focused holding company operating six interconnected verticals (loyalty, digital media, travel, telecoms, lifestyle, and F&B), which seamlessly connects millions of registered consumers and hundreds of thousands of registered merchants/brands across multiple product and service categories throughout SEA. Society Pass leverages technology to tailor a more personalized experience for customers in the purchase journey and transform the entire SEA retail value chain. SoPa operates Thoughtful Media Group, a Thailand-based, social commerce-focused, premium digital video multi-platform network; NusaTrip, a leading Indonesia-based Online Travel Agency; Gorilla Networks, a Singapore-based, web3-enabled mobile blockchain network operator;, Vietnam's leading lifestyle e-commerce platform;, a popular grocery delivery company in the Philippines;, a leading online restaurant delivery service based in Vietnam; and, a leading local restaurant delivery service in Philippines - About Deviate Design Agency: Deviate Design Agency is a specialized team with one of the most robust branding, digital marketing, and social media strategies practiced in the entire industry. The Agency corner the market with exclusively learned skill sets known by only a few in the marketing world. Its experts deliver some of the most effective campaigns ranging from global enterprises to today's up-and-coming startup businesses. Deviate Design Agency's seasoned professional marketing, advertising, design, and web experts provide a full spectrum of marketing services, from massive social media presence and strategic planning to designing and developing ads, websites, and print collateral that perform. With all their information, Deviate Design knows what the marketplace responds to and can quickly create a financial lift for their clientele. They seek to get to know their clients and build long-term working relationships - About The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) is an emerging provider of environmentally beneficial solutions for preserving natural resources and the municipal waste and recycling industries. The Company is a wholesale manufacturer and supplier of wood-based mulch and lumber products, primarily in the Midwest, Southeast, and Ohio Valley regions. The Company also provides arbor care and storm recovery services to municipalities, corporations, and consumers, primarily in the southeastern United States. The Company plans to expand its operations through organic growth and strategic acquisitions that are both accretive to earnings and positioned for rapid growth from the resulting synergistic opportunities identified. The Company's customers include governmental, residential, and commercial clients - About VRM BioLogik Group: Since 1987, VRM BioLogik has developed and implemented technological advances globally that catalyze natural reactions, aiding in soil restoration, resolving environmental emergencies, and cleaning through attaining and sustaining ecosystem balance. VRM's agricultural product range works to enhance crop yield while restoring the nutrients in soils naturally. Its cleaner product range naturally removes residues from surfaces that harbor viruses and pathogens. The environmental management product range works to address and amend difficult environmental circumstances, including balancing wastewater, control of odor and organics digestion during emergency spills, and eliminating odors. VRM's livestock product range is a probiotic approach to environmental management in intensive growing situations - About Sekur Private Data Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0): Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) is a cybersecurity and internet privacy provider of Swiss-hosted solutions for secure communications and secure data management. The Company distributes a suite of secure cloud-based storage, disaster recovery, document management, encrypted emails, and secure communication tools. It sells its products through its websites, approved distributors, and telecommunication companies worldwide. Sekur Private Data, Ltd. serves consumers, businesses, and governments worldwide - and; Twitter: @sekurprivate. About New to The Street: New to the Street is an FMW Media production that operates one of the longest-running US and International sponsored and syndicated Nielsen Rated programming television brands, "New to The Street," and its blockchain show, "Exploring The Block." Since 2009, these brands have run biographical interview segment shows across major U.S. television networks. The paid-for-television programming platforms can potentially reach over 540 million homes in the US and international markets. FMW's New to The Street / Newsmax televised broadcasting platform airs its syndication on Saturdays at 3:30 – 4:00 PM ET. FMW is also one of the nation's largest buyers of linear television, long and short-form paid programming - & Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer: This press release contains forward-looking statements within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "ongoing," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would," or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at which such performance or results are achieved. This press release should be considered in all filings of the Companies contained in the Edgar Archives of the Securities and Exchange Commission at Contact Details Business Development New To The Street +1 516-696-5900 FMW Media Contact Monica Brennan +1 917-330-2564 Company Website

March 17, 2023 10:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

UAT Group Subsidiary, Ossifix Orthopedics Begins Expansion

Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc.

McapMediaWire -- Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc. (OTC: UATG ) (UAT Group) announced today that its subsidiary, Ossifix Orthopedics has begun expanding beyond Texas starting with southern and north-eastern part of the United States. Over the past several weeks, the Company has onboarded five new account managers across eleven cities in Texas with expansion into the New England area currently underway. The Company has slated the second fiscal quarter of the year for expansion across four major metropolitan cities in Louisiana and across twenty-one major metropolitan cities in Florida. Ossifix CEO, Mark Estrada, stated: “We are currently in the process of expanding operations and onboarding distribution channels in select target regions. Additionally, in Q2 we will launch two unique foot and ankle product lines.” The Company projects more than one-hundred surgeries to be completed in Q2 alone with a 20% increase month over in growth. Results from initial surgeries have demonstrated early ambulation trend with many patients driving the next day. Results of the surgeries have dramatically increased interest in the Javelin pin which formed the basis for the Company’s decision to start expansion and led to the Company to begin increasing its salesforce. Constructed of select, high-density, allograft, cortical bone, the proprietary design of the Ossifix Orthopedics Javelin pin ensures rigid fixation without pin slip or pirouetting. Manufactured of 100% allograft bone, Ossifix implants are designed for small bone, extremities, and sports medicine markets, but have applications in the craniofacial, spine and oral surgery procedures. Resorbable implant technology is readily accepted and used in today’s market, both domestically and globally. Ossifixs’ unique manufacturing process and designs yield an engineered cortical bone implant that provides secure fixation and virtually eliminates any allergic or autoimmune reactions associated with metal or plastic/polymer implants. All Ossifix Orthopedics Pin, Screw and Plate Systems are single-use surgical kits with all necessary instruments for implantation and are based on decades of clinical experience and use in the operating room. Ossifix products are designed to be used in hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and specialty clinics. Distribution is scheduled throughout North America, and globally in Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, as well as the Middle East and Africa. This global market is currently experiencing an estimated growth of 14% per year and is expected to reach $4.696 billion in sales this year. Umbra Applied Technologies Group Chief Executive Officer, Alex Umbra, commented, "The growth and interest that Ossifix has experienced is unprecedented. With the launch of their additional product suites coming later this year, Ossifix will be a disrupting force within a niche but significant market segment”. Ossifix Orthopedics will continue to meet with hospital systems, surgical centers and orthopedic surgeons across the U.S. with international sales slated to begin later this year. For more information about Ossifix Technologies go here: About Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc. The firm is located in Tampa Florida and focuses on advanced technologies across many disciplines. UAT Group is a holding company with interests in both public and private companies during the early stages of development as well as growth stages of companies with a synergistic business model to UAT Group subsidiaries. For more information, visit: Investor and Media Contact: NEITHER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE COMMISSION NOR ITS REGULATION SERVICES PROVIDER ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS NEWS RELEASE. Forward-Looking Information This news release may include "forward-looking statements" including forecasts, estimates, expectations, and objectives for future operations including but not limited to its ability to conclude a business combination with a third party, sale of assets, return of capital or initial public offering and a secondary listing on the OTC as a result of aforementioned and its ability to fund the exploration of its assets through the raising of equity or debt capital or through funding by a joint venture partner that are subject to a number of assumptions, risks, and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of Umbra Applied Technologies Group including but not limited to capital markets and securities risks and continued development success on technology. There can be and are no actual or implied guarantees that any of the above activities will be completed or completed on terms acceptable to the Company and its shareholders or approved by any regulatory authority having jurisdiction. Such forward-looking information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially. Umbra Applied Technologies Group does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required by applicable law. Contact Details Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc.

March 17, 2023 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

ARway announces company has signed multiple deals for augmented reality navigation


ARway CEO Evan Gappelberg joined Steve Darling from Proactive with news that the company has locked up five new deals for its Software Development Kit. Gappelberg tells Proactive the deals range from using the ARway platform for existing map management of virtual tours at museums & art galleries to using ARway in Airports for Wayfinding and Guided tours. Contact Details Proactive Investors Canada +1 604-688-8158

March 16, 2023 01:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

10 Best Crypto Signals 2023 - Which Coins Will Moon Next?

Finance News

Signals provide real-time trading suggestions on cryptos that have the potential to go to the moon. Each crypto signal will advise the coin to trade as well as the suggested entry and exit prices, helping you make informed trading decisions. In this guide, we rank and review the 10 best crypto signals providers for 2023. Let’s begin! List of the Best Crypto Trading Signals The 10 best cryptocurrency trading signals can be found on the list below: Jacob Bury Discord - Overall Best Crypto Signals Provider for Small-Cap Gems - Premium Crypto Signals on Large-Cap Pairs Learn 2 Trade Algorithm - Automated Crypto Signals via AI and Machine Learning Altsignals - Popular Crypto Signals for Binance Futures MYC Signals - Spot Trading Signals Plus Leveraged Derivatives CoinCodeCap - Free Crypto Signals via Telegram UpperSpec - Combine Crypto Education With Trading Signals WOLFX Signals - Up to Four Telegram Trading Signals Each Day Signals Blue - Both Short and Long-Term Signals for BTC and USDT Pairs Signals - Free Signals Sent via an iOS and Android App Best Paid and Free Cryptocurrency Trading Signals for 2023 The best crypto signals come with daily insights into coins that have the potential to explode. In the sections below, we review the 10 best providers in this space. 1. Jacob Bury Discord - Overall Best Crypto Signals Provider for Small-Cap Gems The overall best crypto signals for 2023 are offered by Jacob Bury. This popular analyst has a growing following in the crypto market. Not only via Bury’s YouTube channel and Twitter feed, but Discord too. Jacob Bury has a solid reputation for finding small-cap gems that have the potential to explode. In particular, Bury likes to focus on quality presales. And when he finds a gem that is worth backing, he posts a signal to his community via Discord. To offer some insight, Bury was one of the first analysts to publicly back Tamadoge during the project’s presale. Tamadoge then went on to generate gains of over 20x after the presale had finished. Bury also sent a signal on Lucky Block to his community in early 2022, which went on to moon by 60x. One of Bury’s latest Discord cryptocurrency signals suggests investing in a newly launched project called Love Hate Inu. Bury explains that its vote-to-earn concept will likely resonate strongly with the crypto community. And as such, Bury is predicting gains of 100x or more. We looked into Love Hate Inu further and found that its ecosystem will reward users for voting on political events, social issues, and more. Rewards are paid in the native token, LHINU. Furthermore, users will need to stake LHINU to access the voting dashboard. This ensures that votes are conducted by legitimate people and that fraud and manipulation is alleviated. Bury’s signal on Love Hate Inu suggests investing in the presale at the earliest opportunity, as stage one offers the lowest price possible. At the end of the presale, LHINU will be listed on an exchange 70% higher than stage one of the presale. In addition to Love Hate Inu, the Jacob Bury Discord has also sent signals about two other hot presales. The first is Fight Out, which has already raised $5.4 million in presale funding. This project is building a rewards-based app for fitness, alongside a metaverse gaming world with virtual challenges and tournaments. The native token is FGHT, and Bury believes that its train-to-earn mechanism has the potential to skyrocket after the presale concludes this month. The Jacob Bury Discord also sent a signal regarding C+Charge. This presale project is building a charge-to-earn concept across more than 1.8 million EV charging stations worldwide. EV drivers will receive tokenized carbon credits after charging their cars and paying with CCHG tokens. CCHG is native to C+Charge and is currently available via the ongoing presale. The C+Charge presale has already raised almost $3 million. All in all, Jacob Bury Discord remains the best place to find newly launched crypto gems that have the potential to explode. Visit Love Hate Inu - Jacob Bury’s Latest Signal Visit Jacob Bury Discord 2. - Premium Crypto Signals on Large-Cap Pairs While Jacob Bury Discord tends to focus on small-cap gems, specializes in short-term trading signals. By signing up for the premium plan, 2-3 crypto signals are sent to members every day. Each signal will focus on a large-cap trading pair, such as BTC/USD or ETH/USD. In addition to the pair, signals inform members whether to go long or short, and which limit entry price to set. Moreover, also sends risk-management tools, covering both take-profit and stop-loss orders. This allows members to place the suggested orders at their chosen exchange, without needing to do any research. As such, will appeal to traders that have limited time or experience in technical analysis. Each signal is derived from the in-house trading team. This signal provider also utilizes algorithms to help source trading opportunities in real-time. Moreover, offers one of the best crypto signals Telegram groups. Not only does each signal send an alert via Telegram, but it comes with the charting analyst that supports the research. This allows members to learn the intimate details of each signal. This top-rated signals provider has an 82% win rate and superb ratings in the public domain. The premium plan costs just £42 per month and can be canceled any time. Lower subscription fees are available when signing up for a three, six, or 12-month plan. With that said, also offers the best free crypto signals in the market. Its free Telegram group has more than 50,000 members and supplies three signals per week. The free signals come with the same entry/exit price suggestions as the premium plan, so offers a great way to try risk-free. We also like that offers free educational resources. This includes guides on trading, reading pairs, placing orders, and safely utilizing leverage. Visit 3. Learn 2 Trade Algorithm - Automated Crypto Signals via AI and Machine Learning Learn 2 Trade is an established crypto signals provider that also specializes in forex. This provider is renowned for its daily Telegram signals, with 3-5 suggestions sent to premium members. Learn 2 Trade also offers a free crypto signals Telegram group. This provides members with three free signals per week. With that said, Learn 2 Trade has recently launched a new product - L2T Algo. Put simply, this is a premium crypto signals service that automates the end-to-end process. This means that instead of needing to manually place the suggested orders, the L2T Algo does this on behalf of traders. As such, the L2T Algo offers a passive trading experience without any input required from subscribers. The L2T Algo operates 24/7 and is backed by machine learning across more than 15,000 lines of code. It continuously scans the crypto markets with more than 100 technical and economic indicators to find the next trading opportunity. Since backtesting began nearly two years ago, the L2T Algo has achieved a 79% win rate. Crucially, the underlying algorithm is profitable in both bullish and bearish markets. In total, the L2T Algo averages 40 trades per month. In terms of fees, Learn 2 Trade charges just £99 per month on a flexible plan. A three and six-month plan is cheaper, working out at £67 and £58 per month, respectively. Those seeking a bit more control over their investments might consider the Learn 2 Trade Telegram crypto trading signals group. This costs £40 per month on a flexible plan but does go down to £12 per month when paying annually. Moreover, Learn 2 Trade has some of the best free educational material in the crypto and forex spaces. This includes long-form guides, courses, and daily technical analysis. Finally, Learn 2 Trade offers 24/7 customer support via live chat. First-time customers can speak with an agent to find the best signals product for their financial goals. Visit Learn 2 Trade Now 4. Altsignals - Popular Crypto Signals for Binance Futures Launched in 2017, Altsignals specializes in crypto trading signals for Binance futures. This provider will appeal to traders that wish to speculate on short-term price movements with leverage. Each Binance signal suggests leverage of 3x, 5x, or 10x - depending on the confidence level of the analysis. Altsignals has more than 1,500 VIP members in its Telegram group and there is also support for This means that members can automate the signal process, so suggested orders will be entered on the connected exchange automatically. Altsignals charges $119 per month for its Binance signals. The provider claimed a 64% win rate in February, and results are updated at the end of each month. The main drawback with Altsignals is that it does not offer free cryptocurrency trading signals. As such, members won’t be able to test the provider out before making a payment. 5. MYC Signals - Spot Trading Signals Plus Leveraged Derivatives MYC Signals is an established signals provider that was launched in 2017. This provider offers three individual signals services to choose from. First, there is the BTC-only spot trading service, which is aimed at beginners. The signals follow a swing trading strategy and 1-2 suggestions are sent each week to premium members. This costs $60 per month. Next, there is an altcoin spot trading service, which comes with 3-5 signals per week. This also follows a swing trading strategy but costs $120 per month. For more experienced traders, there is a crypto futures signal service at $150 per month. This follows a day trading strategy that supports both long and short positions. Moreover, across 3-5 signals per week, some positions suggest leverage of up to 125x. Alternatively, for $225 per month, members can access all three plans. Do note that MYC Signals does not offer free signals or a trial. 6. CoinCodeCap - Free Crypto Signals via Telegram Those searching for the best crypto signals Telegram channels might consider CoinCodeCap. The CoinCodeCap Telegram channel is home to over 23,000 members, with free signals arriving sporadically throughout the week. The channel also offers on-demand market analysis through technical charts and drawings. Free members also receive daily crypto news and educational tips. Most of the free crypto signals sent by CoinCodeCap are highly leveraged. For example, its Telegram channel recently posted a Binance futures trader on GMX/USDT with a two-hour profit margin of over 9,000%. As such, CoinCodeCap will only appeal to traders that feel comfortable entering high-leverage positions. Like move signals providers, CoinCodeCap also offers a premium plan. This costs $70 per month and covers both the spot and futures markets. The plan also supports, so signals can be traded automatically. There is also a lifetime plan at $300. 7. UpperSpec - Combine Crypto Education With Trading Signals UpperSpec will appeal to those seeking trading signals while learning about the crypto market at the same time. Its Crypto VIP plan costs €50 per month and includes signal suggestions with entry and exit prices. Each signal also comes with a full charting analysis, so that members can understand how the suggestion was curated. Moreover, VIP members have access to a 24/7 chat room on Discord, enabling traders to share their insights in real-time. Do note that when signing up for the VIP plan, members that wish to cancel will need to do so at least 10 working days before the next payment cycle. Although there is also a free plan, this does not include signals. Instead, it only offers access to free crypto courses. 8. WOLFX Signals - Up to Four Telegram Trading Signals Each Day WOLFX Signals WOLFX Signals is a popular crypto signals provider that operates globally. Its signals cover three key trading regions - Asia, London, and the US. Moreover, signals are sent through real-time Telegram alerts. The Wolfx Signals Telegram channel has over 77,000 members. This offers access to two free signals per week, and there is no requirement to open an account. However, to receive up to four signals per day, then members need to sign up for the premium plan. This costs $89 per month and can be canceled at any time. There is also a lifetime plan at $279. Either way, the premium plan also offers weekly reports on trading results, personalized customer service, and support for third-party bots. WOLFX Signals also offers forex signals at $89 per month. Alternatively, for $139 per month, members get access to both forex and crypto signals via the same account. The main drawback of WOLFX Signals is that it does not offer educational guides. 9. Signals Blue - Both Short and Long-Term Signals for BTC and USDT Pairs Signals Blue is a premium signals provider that charges a hefty monthly fee of £229.99. Moreover, both integration and API support each cost an additional £19.99 per month. With that said, opting for a six-month or lifetime plan brings the price down considerably. Signals Blue is popular for the variety of signals that it offers. For example, some signals are based on short-term strategies, ranging from a few hours to a couple of days. The provider also offers mid and long-term signals, with some positions remaining open for several months. Moreover, Signals Blue also offers leveraged signals, which will appeal to traders that are comfortable with crypto futures. All signals come with profit targets and stop-losses, ensuring that traders know when to exit a position. Signals Blue is compatible with multiple crypto exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase Pro, Kucoin, Kraken, and Huobi. Do note that Signals Blue does not offer live chat, so customer queries must be sent via email. 10. Signals - Free Signals Sent via an iOS and Android App Those looking for the best crypto signals app might consider Signals. This provider offers free signals via its iOS and Android app, with a strong focus on altcoins. Notifications can be set up to ensure that signals are received in real-time. Moreover, each signal comes with three take-profit prices, in addition to a suggested stop-loss. Next to each take-profit suggestion, the Signals app displays the upside in percentage terms. This will suit beginners that are new to the fast-paced crypto trading scene. In addition to signals, the app also comes with an in-built trading bot. This notifies users when an altcoin experiences a rapid increase in trading volume. The Signals app also enables users to create a watchlist for their favorite coins, with real-time pricing. How to Find the Best Crypto Signals Most crypto signals providers make bold claims about their profitability levels. As such, research is key before paying for a monthly subscription. Here’s what to consider when selecting the best crypto trading signals for 2023. Past Performance Crypto signals are sought-after by traders that wish to generate consistent gains. Therefore, the primary focus is often on how much the signal provider makes throughout the month. However, the win rate stated by the provider is only credible if it can be verified. If the provider offers access to its Telegram channel without needing to register, then this enables users to verify previous signals. Users can then compare previous results with the stated win rate. Free Trial An even better way to evaluate the performance of a crypto signals provider is to sign up for a premium plan via a free trial. This will permit unfettered access to its signals without needing to risk any money. As each signal is delivered, the user can place the respective orders via an exchange demo account. At the end of the trial, the user can then assess whether or not the signals were profitable. If they were, then the user might consider signing up for a paid plan. Although the likes of and Learn 2 Trade do not offer a free trial, they both have a 30-day money-back guarantee. This also enables users to test the providers out making a longer-term commitment. Types of Crypto Signals There are many different types of crypto signals available in the market. For example, the Jacob Bury Discord channel is aimed at investors that seek low-cap gems with a huge upside potential. As noted earlier, Bury has had huge success with crypto presales that have gone on to generate sizable gains. His latest pick, Love Hate Inu, is expected to be the biggest presale of the year., on the other hand, specializes in shorter-term signals. Many of its signals are based on a day trading strategy, with positions usually remaining open for a few hours. Then there’s Learn 2 Trade, which offers an algo-backed trading bot that automates the signals process. This means that users do not need to manually place the suggested orders on exchanges. Pricing Pricing is another important consideration to make when researching the best crypto trading signals. We found that both and Learn 2 Trade are competitive in this regard. Monthly plans cost just £42 and £40 with these providers, respectively. At the other end of the scale, Signals Blue charges £229.99 per month for its signals service. What’s more, additional fees are required to trade via Conclusion Crypto signals are ideal for investors with little to no experience in technical analysis. Signals are also popular with time-starved traders that wish to fast-track the research process. Overall, the Jacob Bury Discord channel offers the best cryptocurrency trading signals in 2023. Bury has had huge success in recent months with new and emerging cryptocurrencies that are entering the market for the first time. His latest pick, Love Hate Inu, just launched its presale campaign a week ago and has already raised over $820k. Visit Love Hate Inu Visit Jacob Bury Discord Contact Details Finance News Alex Brown

March 16, 2023 01:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release says growth in 2023 continues with a number of new contracts

Nextech3D.AI CEO Evan Gappelberg joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news the company has announced more contracts, with a number of new deals signed for 3D models across a number of industries. Gappelberg tells Proactive that with all the 3D models the company is building, it is also compiling an AI-powered 3D parts-library. This allows it to significantly increase the speed of 3D model creation. Contact Details Proactive Investors Canada +1 604-688-8158

March 16, 2023 01:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release



FINTECH.TV, the leading global news media platform focused on Digital and Impact investment content, including live reporting on the latest news and perspectives in finance, blockchain, technology, Crypto and NFT’s, today announced that Xen Sam’s show, A MoMent of Xen, currently airing on iHeartRadio and 710 WOR will now also air live weekly on FINTECH.TV on Wednesdays at 7pm EST. Hosted by Actress, Model, Mentor and Media Contributor Xen Sams, A MoMent of Xen, covers Entertainment, Fashion, Fintech, Cannabis, Cryptocurrency and Health from the Millennial Mom's perspective. Additionally, Xen will be a contributing host of “ FINTECH.TV Focus, ” conducting weekly exclusive interviews with high profile, trendsetting, opinion-making CEOs from the FINTECH.TV studios on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Each week, A MoMent of Xen will bring a mix of its signature Edutainment to FINTECH.TV, including specialty segments such as Entertainment & Pop Culture, Hello Open Metaverse, Business & Buzz, Cannabis Culture, Influencer, Millennial Mom, Innovation & Tech, Scandals, Trailblazer, and more. Upcoming guests for its 100th episode anniversary include actors Frank Grillo and Paul Ben Victor, Romulus Entertainment CEO Brad Feinstein, director Eif Riviera; celebrity matchmaker and life coach Carmelia Ray; and CEO & Founder, Tal Navarro. Past guests have included super model and CEO Kathy Ireland, cofounder of Animoca Brands, Yat Siu, x2 Soundcloud winner singer/songwriter Amun Starr, author Madison Malloy, New Jersey State Senator Holly Schepisi, Kimberley Guilfoyle, Amy Kennedy, actor Kevin Sorbo, and Down Syndrome advocate Abigail Adams. Vince Molinari, FINTECH.TV Founder and CEO, said, “We are thrilled to share Xen’s unique voice and dynamic show with our global FINTECH.TV audience. As we continue to grow worldwide and create a true daily global streaming network focused on blockchain, digital assets and sustainability, Xen is the perfect host to contextualize the most relevant trends happening in the world today.” Xen Sams, Live On Air Host said, “We are extremely excited to partner with FINTECH.TV and share A MoMent of Xen with FINTECH.TV’s global audience. I can’t think of a better place to bring CEO’s for in-depth and candid conversations about the most important trends and topics than FINTECH.TV’s studios on the floor of the iconic NYSE." A MoMent of Xen will air weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm EST on FINTECH.TV. Xen’s Exclusive CEO interview series will air weekly on Fridays during “ FINTECH.TV Focus. ” This announcement follows the launch of FINTECH.TV’s new studios on the floor of the NYSE and the Abu Dhabi Global Market, The International Financial Centre (ADGM). FINTECH.TV’s signature show is a daily news program, The Daily Download airing from the floor of the NYSE. Franchise segments include: The Digital Asset Report, The IMPACT, The Great Repricing, ETF Rundown, The Podium SPAC Leaders, Web3 Update and special series Price of Climate, Square One, Faces of Race and Dangerous Women Leading Onwards. ABOUT FINTECH.TV FINTECH.TV is a first of its kind global media platform bringing the latest news and perspectives in finance, blockchain, technology, sustainability, impact investing, SDGs, and ESG. FINTECH.TV broadcasts from its marquis studios on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, at ADGM, Abu Dhabi’s leading International Finance Center, and with presence at other leading international exchanges including NASDAQ and the London Stock Exchange. ABOUT A MOMENT OF XEN Xen Sams is an Actress, Mentor, and Host of 'A Moment of Xen', iHeartRadio & TV Show airing on 710 WOR / The Voice of New York, Live every Saturday night from 9-10pm Est. Covering Entertainment, Fashion, Fintech, Cannabis, Cryptocurrency and Health from the Millennial Mom's perspective.Xen is currently appearing alongside Charlie Hunnam in Mel Gibson's feature film 'Last Looks'. Xen also appears as Judith White alongside Samuel L Jackson in 'The Banker'. She plays Talia Fields in next summer's Blockbuster 'Tin Soldier' starring Jamie Foxx, Robert De Niro, Scott Eastwood And Rita Ora. Contact Details FINTECH.TV Lauren Hurvitz +1 917-683-5118 Company Website

March 16, 2023 01:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Next-Gen Media Planning Unveiled: Global Media Kit Empowers Media Owners and Buyers with New Chat-GPT Powered Omni-Channel Platform for Success

Global Media Kit

The platform offers the world's fastest multi-channel media planning and buying automation and aims to feature the most comprehensive list of omnichannel advertising opportunities from more than 180 countries. Infused with OpenAI's latest Chat GPT, Global Media Kit's media planning and ad sales assistant, P-Bot, is fine-tuned to fetch customised campaign recommendations. The platform cuts across currency and language barriers and unleashes endless networking possibilities for ad sales teams and global brands to collaborate seamlessly and execute impactful ad campaigns. In a development that could transform the global advertising industry, the world’s first unified advertising platform, Global Media Kit, has been launched to help advertisers and media service providers create, buy, manage, and sell premium advertising opportunities across TV, Radio, Digital, Print, Out of Home, and various Media Services. Reflecting on the long-term growth potential of the platform, Global Media Kit Founder & CEO, Prathish Cherian, said: "Our mission is to help advertisers and media service providers elevate their identity and achieve their purpose. With Global Media Kit, advertisers can access handpicked ad recommendations, while media service providers are empowered to position their media and gain unparalleled global visibility." Simplifying Global Advertising with Transformative AI Solutions Global Media Kit's integrated Chat GPT-powered media planning and ad sales assistant, P-Bot, works by continuously training a deep neural network on a massive dataset of ad opportunities and is fine-tuned to fetch dynamic media plans within seconds. P-Bot also uses its deep intelligence and reacts to the initial inputs of the advertisers by presenting customised media insights for each ad opportunity listed on the platform. The platform’s Advanced Audience Matching feature lets media service providers make contextual sales more efficient with multi-level socio-economic audience profiling to get ad opportunities smartly matched to the advertiser's campaign requirements. Advertisers can also access intelligent insights, which include detailed media kits, location insights, intuitive search filters, live web stats, and more, to find their perfect ad opportunity. "Global Media Kit mobilizes transformative AI solutions to reduce operating costs and time, which in turn simplifies multi-channel advertising and brings real-time visibility to the entire campaign management workflow with dedicated dashboards for advertisers and media service providers. The platform reflects our continued collaboration with the most reputed media owners and brands across the world. The unique value proposition is that it enables omnichannel media sales on a single platform using the combined efforts of media experts and the transformative powers of AI,” added Prathish. Scaling Ad Sales with Seamless Collaboration The platform benefits the entire advertising ecosystem as it unleashes endless networking possibilities for global brands and media service providers. Using the Ad Support feature on Global Media Kit, media service providers can add their regional sales contacts and offer expert campaign support directly to global advertisers via meetings and live chats to expedite campaign planning and execution. They can also create an exclusive media store to list their most recommended ad opportunities, packages, and sponsorships to get direct bookings from advertisers. “With ad sales taking place remotely, a lot more can be achieved once the key players from the brand and media sides come together seamlessly, and that can create magic. Global Media Kit sets about creating that magic, and we want to be part of the enriching community that benefits each participant from brand, business, and customer points of view." “Very few media houses have multiple touch points that can attract and clinch business from clients, and most of them depend on traditional methods. What we intend to do is provide an all-encompassing platform that not only brings advertisers to their doorstep but also helps build campaigns for clients on their behalf, thus shouldering ad sales efforts," added Prathish. Comprehensive Campaign Management and Assistance Upon generating an instant media plan, advertisers can effortlessly track and manage the status of their campaign plans in real-time using their dashboards, quickly check with media partners for approvals, share confirmations, and proceed with easy bookings. The Global Media Kit team will also help with creative approvals, ensure a successful campaign launch, and deliver post-campaign assistance. Advertisers will also be able to make use of the integrated AI powered Creative Studio to generate bespoke creatives and ad copies that speak to their audiences in a personalized and engaging manner. Apart from the most sought-after ad opportunities across digital, print, broadcast, and outdoor media, media service providers can list ad-enabling media services, ranging from branding and content translation to legal support in advertising, to complement every stage of the advertiser's campaign planning and drive campaign success. The platform’s enterprise-level features, like Geospatial and Demand Intelligence, help advertisers take their media planning and buying strategies to the next level with highly accurate insights on socio-demographics, consumer styles, real-time event data, predictive analytics, and more. Currently, in the research testing phase, the BETA version of Global Media Kit is open to invite-only users and can be accessed at Founded in 2020, Global Media Kit is a media technology startup based out of UAQ Free Trade Zone, United Arab Emirates. The platform empowers the advertising community in creating and managing multi-channel campaigns through a seamless partnership between advertisers and the dynamic global media. Contact Details Global Media Kit Nidhish Cherian, Director of Communications +971 50 305 4995

March 16, 2023 11:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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